Windows assistant Cortana can also be helpful because it can perform a search for “Programs” in its search box. Or, you can right-click on Start and visit Programs and Features. Once you find the program you want to uninstall, right-click on the icon to see the 'Options' menu.Here you can view a list of the applications you have installed - and the ones you haven’t.Click on the 'Start' button and visit the “All apps” menu.Remove them from your computer and free up disk space.You can usually identify these when you see a pop-up prompting you to update a program you’ve never used before. Your computer comes preloaded with several applications that many people won’t use but that can eat up system resources. Here are seven ways you can improve computer speed and its overall performance. These programs can also alert you to files and software that may be the cause of a slow computer and may ultimately be worth deleting. Several types of software available can help you to get rid of old files while locating applications that you don’t use often and may want to uninstall.